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101 products

Your unforgettable fragrance experience

A fragrant introduction to the ipuro world - your favorite scent combined with a simple, square design.

In the spotlight

ESSENTIALS ipuro pure roseESSENTIALS ipuro pure rose
ESSENTIALS ipuro pure rose
Minimum price €6,99 Maximum price €11,99
Unit price€119,90 EURl
ESSENTIALS ipuro light roseESSENTIALS ipuro light rose
ESSENTIALS ipuro light rose
Minimum price €6,99 Maximum price €11,99
Unit price€139,80 EURl
ESSENTIALS ipuro light rose & pure rose Raumduft-SetESSENTIALS ipuro light rose & pure rose Raumduft-Set
Available again soon
ESSENTIALS ipuro light rose & pure rose Raumduft-Set
Regular price €12,99 EUR
Unit price€129,90 EURl

The ESSENTIALS collection

Ipuro Essentials is the entry into the fragrance world of ipuro. Here everyone will find the right scent for themselves and their home. Whether maritime, woody or soothing lavender, everyone can find themselves in the large portfolio of Essentials fragrances.